Saturday, August 4, 2018

P buys Bitcoins

long or short

A parody of Madame Zeroni's song in Holes
If only, if only,” Mr P sighs,
"The price of cryptos would go up so high"
While he waits below, hungry and lonely,
Longing for BTC to moo-oo-oon,
"If only, if only.”

It was a pleasant Saturday afternoon and P had just got up and had a shower. As he was getting out to buy his burger for lunch, P saw his neighbour, a stock trader by profession, pruning his rose bushes in the garden and went over to the picket fence to have a chat.
Neighbour: “P, I hope you won't mind but I have to ask you this question. You are looking very tired these days. What's up?”
P: “I'll let you into my secret. You see, I am planning to buy a Lamborghini."
Neighbour astonishedly: "Did you win the lotto or something?”
P: “No, but I am into crypto currency these days and so I can hardly sleep. And maybe that's why I look tired.”
Neighbour: “Ah! I see… So what coins?”
P: “Only bitcoin.”
Neighbour: “Are you long or short?”
P was puzzled and stunned, wondering why his neighbour who was normally very circumspect and prudent, was changing the topic from crypto trading to his physical dimensions......
Tired of his old Getz, he longed for a Lambo
And though without a twin or a name like Winklevoss,
P went into crypto-world like daring Rambo,
Hoping it would  end all his monetary woes!

But P bit off more than what he could chew,
When he borrowed money from his credit card
And bitcoins he could buy just one or two;
His get-rich-quick plans were totally marred!

Of blockchain and cryptos P had no clue
And had bought the BTC at its peak,
Hoping its value would then accrue;
But crashing prices left his future bleak.

He was sleepless, tracking crypto price,
As he HODLed onto his coins tight;
Fud and fomo made his heart rate rise
As bulls and bears made their daily fight.

He doesn't get what is ‘short’ or ‘long’
But if only, if only BTC would moon,
He can stop singing that soulful song
From “Holes", he sings so out of tune;
For his neighbours, it would be such a boon!

Saturday, July 28, 2018

On collusion between ‘would’ and ‘wouldn’t’ and blue moon and blood moon

Blood moon that comes so rare
But more often than a blue
Had P enthralled in wishful thoughts
To watch the eclipse in the early dawn
And he went about to lay out his plans!

But his love for creature comforts
And the usual sleep-in on a Saturday
Eclipsed his desire to watch
The much talked of phenomenon!
(But maybe it was just Fake News?)

Yet, P wondered how he missed the sight
Even with all his well set plans
But P shrugged it off as the norm
Of collusion that is seen these days
When ‘would’ and ‘wouldn’t’ can interchange!
P had decided to get up at 4 am on the 28th morning to watch the lunar eclipse. He had read that it was going to be a phenomenal sight in the sky with the blood moon and the glowing Mars next to it. So, for the sake of watching the blood moon, for once in a blue  moon, P decided to get up before daybreak. However, P always considered that though his spirit was more than willing, his flesh was weak and often betrayed him. He could not be sure that he wouldn’t (would?) just turn his alarm off and continue to sleep when it woke him in time to watch the eclipse. He therefore decided to rope in his neighbour into the scheme of things and had a long chat with him on the phone about how worthwhile it would (wouldn’t) be to watch the eclipse.
Finally, P convinced his neighbour on what he would (wouldn’t) be missing out, if he would not (would) watch the eclipse, and how such an opportunity wouldn’t (would) present itself for a long, long time. He also managed to get his neighbour promise to give P a phone call around 4 am, to ensure that P gets up in case P’s alarm clock did not serve its purpose.
Everything thus organised, P decided to go to bed early and went about his pre_bed routine. He set his alarm clock to ring at 4 am next morning. He brushed and flossed his teeth, and jumped into his pyjamas. He switched off his phone, put it to charge and turned off the lights. P then hopped onto his bed, snuggled down comfortably and switched on the TV to watch a bit of Fake News but went on to watch a movie on Netflix. It was quite late when he finally switched off the TV and sleep could embrace him.
The next day P got a glimpse of the phenomenal blood moon through the photos people put on the internet and also from those that were taken by his neighbour whom he saw late in the afternoon, working on his garden.
P did not question his neighbour on whether he had tried calling P on the phone as he had promised he would. P did not question as to whether he himself wouldn’t have switched off his phone by accident or turned off the alarm clock when it rang, had he been more committed.
Finally it all came to a collusion between ‘would’ and ‘wouldn’t’. These were times when ‘would’ and ‘wouldn’t’ could be interchanged so easily and even at the very highest of echelons of power. It didn’t need a blue moon for that to happen, let alone a blood moon!

Saturday, July 7, 2018

P is not for POTUS or for Putin

Things were not looking good for P and he was worried when he returned to blogosphere after a long break. He had chosen to be known as P rather than by his name 'Pillai' which could also be translated as 'baby' in South Indian languages. But, quite a few things starting with the letter P were showing up in collusion and in bad light or even trying to silence P--- stars, on the sly! And now there was this big baby blimp in a diaper going to be floating in the skies in London!

However, P had no intention of going anywhere overseas, let alone London, any time in the near future especially with all that was happening with immigration and border security. He worried that his visa may be cancelled for no reason. He worried that he could be separated from his family and be put in a detention centre. Times were so bad that, that was what was happening to kids these days! After all, his name suggested that he was a child too!

A big orange blimp, up in the sky;
It broke his heart, not to see it fly!
But with new rules and travel ban,
P worried about his dark skin and tan!

Staying home was not much fun,
But safer than a trip to London.
For times were bad and children sad,
Separated from mums and dads!